Brainspotting Phase 2 High Acuity: Acute Care Agencies with a Residential Component-CST
Welcome to our exciting initiative to offer and provide Phase 2 Brainspotting training to acute care agencies with a residential component to their treatment (ex// Hospital, Residential treatment center, Therapeutic Boarding school, etc.) treating youth throughout the United States!
Training is a unique training whereby not only are clinicians trained but support and training is offered to non-clinical/line staff to help with further integration of Brainspotting into overall services along with providing strategic support to Clinical Supervisor strategies for developing Brainspotting trainees as they grow their skills with Brainspotting.
Training consists of:
- Training for up to 50 acute care counselors in Phase 2 Brainspotting – 9am-6pm CST, October 2nd – 3rd, and 26th – 27th 2023
- Special training for support staff and clinical supervisors on October 2nd to help with integration of brainspotting into broader programming
- 3 separate meetings with Clinical Supervisors to help build skills with developing and supporting newly trained Brainspotters – Oct 6th, Nov 3rd and Dec 8th – all at 10am CST
- 3 Free follow up consultation groups after the Phase 2 training