Are you looking to become certified in Brainspotting?

Application for Brainspotting Consultant

Application for Approval as a Brainspotting Consultant

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Basic Information


Please attach your Trainer’s Report and Recommendation for Approval as a Brainspotting Consultant to your application.
Max. file size: 2 MB.

Fees & Renewal

Initial Approval fee is $50, payable to Brainspotting Trainings, LLC
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa

Information about Continuation of Approval:

  • Continuation (renewal) of Approval is required every 2 years.
  • It is expected that every applicant for Continuation of Approval will meet or exceed the minimum standards required for initial Approval as a Brainspotting Consultant, will engage in their own ongoing training and consultation in Brainspotting, and demonstrate knowledge and practice expertise in the most current theory and practice evolutions of Brainspotting.
  • Continuation of approvaal requires one successful, 60-90 minute assessment with a Brainspotting Trainer, completion of any mutually determined “Continuation of Readiness” plan, and completion of the Application for Continuation as an Approved Brainspotting Consultant
  • The fee for Continuation of Approval as a Brainspotting Consultant is $50
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