Are you looking to become certified in Brainspotting?

Become a Consultant


Training to become a Brainspotting Consultant presents a unique opportunity to enhance your expertise in the theory and application of this potent therapeutic approach that harnesses the brain’s inherent healing capabilities. By completing specialized training as a Consultant in Training (CIT) in Brainspotting, individuals can qualify as official Consultants who assist fellow Brainspotting practitioners in their journey towards certification and mastery of Brainspotting practices.

Information about Continuation of Approval:

  • Continuation (renewal) of Approval is required every 2 years.
  • It is expected that every applicant for Continuation of Approval will meet or exceed the minimum standards required for initial Approval as a Brainspotting Consultant, will engage in their own ongoing training and consultation in Brainspotting, and demonstrate knowledge and practice expertise in the most current theory and practice evolutions of Brainspotting.
  • Continuation of approvaal requires one successful, 60-90 minute assessment with a Brainspotting Trainer, completion of any mutually determined “Continuation of Readiness” plan, and completion of the Application for Continuation as an Approved Brainspotting Consultant
  • The fee for Continuation of Approval as a Brainspotting Consultant is $50
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