Are you looking to become certified in Brainspotting?

Rev. Dr. Martha S. Jacobi

More Information

The Rev. Martha S. Jacobi, PhD, LCSW, is a Senior Brainspotting Trainer, Specialty Trainer, and
Consultant. She was a conference presenter at both the 1st and 2nd International Brainspotting
Conferences, including co-presenting with Monika Baumann in a pre-conference workshop (2021). She
has studied directly with Dr. Grand since 2001. Martha is also a Lutheran pastor. She is the author of
several chapters and articles related to Brainspotting in clinical and theological publications.
Martha’s specializations include trauma and spirituality, family and children’s services,
creativity/performance enhancement, general pastoral/spiritual/contemplative care, and spiritual
direction/companioning. She has advanced training in Bowen family therapy, EMDR, and Pesso-Boyden
System Psychomotor therapy. Her work is informed by her background as a performing artist in music
and dance.
Martha developed the foundational specialty training, “Brainspotting and Spirituality, Religion, and
Contemplative Practice,” and collaborated with Monika Baumann in creating the earliest specialty
training on using Brainspotting with children and adolescents. In consultation with Dr. Grand, Martha
developed the Brainspotting concentration programme in Behavioural Health, International University for
Graduate Studies (IUGS), of which she was the founding Associate Dean.
Humanitarian work is important to Martha. She was a clinician with a post-9/11 non-profit organization
in New York, joined Dr. Grand as an invited service provider through the Resiliency Center of Newtown
CT, and was a referral clinician related to the NYC Wounded Warrior Project. Martha is a member of the
founding Supervisory Board of Brainspotting Help.
Martha is currently on sabbatical from offering consultation, Phase 1, 2, and specialty trainings, and is retired from clinical practice and her role at IUGS.


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