Are you looking to become certified in Brainspotting?

Rev. Christie Bates LPC

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Rev. Christie is an ordained contemplative minister, writer and licensed professional counselor for MS, TN and FL who has served well over 10,000 adults via Brainspotting since her first training in 2013, helping them to resolve trauma and grow their lives emotionally, spiritually and creatively. She serves on the Board of the Southeast Brainspotting Institute to help make Brainspotting available to underserved communities. A weight-inclusive, justice-oriented healthcare provider, Christie is HAES(R)-aligned (Health At Every Size) and IE-educated (Intuitive Eating) and loves helping clients free themselves of the traumas perpetrated by diet culture. As a seasoned trauma specialist with many years’ experience in residential treatment settings before shifting to private practice full time, she also loves to help people in all stages of recovery from substance and process addictions. Her Brainspotting trainings include Phases I, II, and III; Brainspotting and Religion, Spirituality, and Contemplative Practice; Brainspotting, Intersectionality and Social Justice; Moneyspotting; Blindspotting; Brainspotting with Emergency Responders; Brainspotting with Military Veterans; and a Masterclass, in addition to numerous 1-hour trainings presented at the 2021 International Conference and SEBI’s monthly webinars.

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