Are you looking to become certified in Brainspotting?

Dr. Christine Ranck

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Areas of specialization:

  • ADHD
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Grief
  • OCD
  • PTSD
  • Relationships
  • Sex
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Stress
  • Trauma
  • Creativity and performance enhancement for professional and non-professional artists and performers
  • Rape and violence against women

Biographical Data:

Christine Ranck is one of the first 3 people to be trained in Brainspotting by David Grand. A certified Brainspotting Trainer as well as certified supervisor and Brainspotting I, II and III grad, Christine is in David Grand’s monthly supervision group in NYC. After 9/11, Christine treated hundreds of firefighters, survivors, and family members, and assisted in providing group trauma therapy for fire fighters preparing to replace their fallen comrades, a program led and facilitated by Dr. Grand at Fort Totten Fire Academy. In addition to Brainspotting, Christine is also an EMDR therapist and psychoanalyst in private practice for over 20 years. Before becoming a therapist, she was a professional singer/performer for many years and thus brings a wealth of experience to her treatment with performers and artists.

Affiliated for many years with the St. Luke’s Roosevelt Rape Intervention Center, Christine is a self-defense expert/trainer, and was volunteer Director for Amnesty International East Coast Speakers Bureau, all contributing to her enormous experience with women’s and human rights issues. She is co-author of the experiential, creativity-enhancing book, Ignite the Genius Within, that incorporates a bilateral soundtrack and a Brainspotting-ish philosophical approach to healing and creativity for the general public.

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