Dr. Grand is a psychotherapist, writer, lecturer, performance coach and humanitarian famous for the discovery and development of the internationally acclaimed Brainspotting method which brings about life-changing breakthroughs at “Warp Speed”. Brain-based therapy is the fastest-growing area in the field of psychological health because it has proven that it can immediately address issues that talk therapy can take years to heal. Now Dr. David Grand presents the next leap forward in psychological care-combining the strengths of brain-based and talk therapies into a powerful technique he calls Brainspotting.
Brainspotting: The Revolutionary New Therapy for Rapid and Effective Change Dr. Grand is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a PhD from International University, and is renowned for his groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in the arenas of healing trauma and enhancing performance and creativity. His Brainspotting method and BioLateral Sound are now used by thousands of therapists on every continent seeking to break through the limitations of talk therapy. Dr. Grand has a roster of clients that include many successful television, film and stage actors, professional athletes, business leaders, and survivors of profound traumas (including 9/11,Katrina and Iraq/Afghanistan combat veterans) who have sought his powerful methods out as a means to realize the kind of personal, professional and creative breakthroughs they long for most.
Dr. Grand is a sought after lecturer, performance coach and public speaker. He has taught scene-work at the New Actors Workshop as well as privately coaching both stage and screen actors. He has presented seminars on his innovative methods and keynoted at numerous international therapy conferences, in addition to teaching performance and creativity seminars. He now spends months every year traveling around the world training therapists on the use of Brainspotting and sharing his BioLateral Sound with professional organizations of all kinds, including business, sports, the arts and therapy. In 2009 he taught the first course on Brainspotting at The Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York.
Committed to the use of Brainspotting as a tool to ease human suffering, Dr. Grand has become widely known for his humanitarian contributions through sharing his incredible power and insights into healing trauma with the world. He is the clinical director of the Faithful Response program which treats 9/11 survivors and returning vets from Iraq and Afghanistan. He is the former chairman of the EMDR-Humanitarian Assistance Program (HAP) and organized many pro bono trauma therapy trainings in places most in need such as in Northern Ireland, Israel, and in the inner cities of the United States. He has also treated thousands of survivors of the World Trade Center Attack and Hurricane Katrina.
Dr. Grand is the author of the ground breaking Emotional Healing at Warp Speed (Random House, 2001) and has been interviewed on CNN, NBC, Nightline, the Jane Pauley Show, and NBC Extra and featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post, O Magazine, Golf Digest and Newsday for his enormous success in healing victims of trauma and curing the heretofore virtually untreatable sports affliction called the “Yips”. The PBS documentary Depression: Out of the Shadows which included Dr. Grand as a featured expert won a 2008 Peabody Award.
Dr. Grand is currently producing a reality show pilot called “Trauma Doc” in which he travels on location with trauma survivors and heals them at the site where the event took place; a documentary about his experiences treating victims of Hurricane Katrina called “Come Hell or High Water”; producing a play called “I Witness” based on his personal stories of from September 11th related trauma; and working on a book about his breakthrough sports performance techniques.
His BioLateral Sound will be available nationwide through iAmplify.com in conjunction with the new Dutton creativity book, Ignite the Genius Within. Dr. Grand maintains a private psychotherapy and performance enhancement practice in Manhattan and Long Island, New York.