Are you looking to become certified in Brainspotting?

Birgit Koenig

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BIRGIT KOENIG practices as

  • Psychoanalytic therapist (since 1980)
  • Hypnotherapist
  • EMDR practitioner
  • Brainspotting supervisor and trainer

She has worked in research, teaching and as a therapist in the medical faculties of the University of Tuebingen (Children’s Hospital), The University of Ulm (Psychoanalytic-Psychosomatic Department) and in the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of Delmenhorst. Since 1995 she has been psychologist in her private practice for children, adolescents and adults.

Early in her long career as an IAIDO disciple and horse trainer she encountered and conceptualized the idea of ‘attunement’. During her 30 years of research and therapy, Birgit has learned the core principles of many specific therapeutic doctrines in looking for the essence of therapy. She met David Grand 2004 with ‘Natural Flow’ and since then has felt like ‘being in the tail of the comet’, transcending in a world changing development of psychotherapy. She is very enthusiastic about Brainspotting (Brainspotting) considering it – especially in its neuro-physiological aspects – ‘the essence of healing in the wider frame of attunement’.
The focus of her academic work is to find the scientific equivalent of ‘attunement’, in her practice she is keen to document ways to help her clients for personal benefit and spiritual growth. Her political tasks in the executive board as founding member of European-Brainspotting-Association are to assist Brainspotting to flourish in Europe as a scientific approach and a groundbreaking way of therapy.

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