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Expansion Brainspotting Training: Online (Pacific Standard Time)

Expansion Brainspottng Overview
Expanding and Unleashing our Client’s Infinite Potential, Passion and Performance
Expansion Brainspotting can help reduce the profound suffering of our most vulnerable clients. It is also effective in helping client’s improve performance,
as well as strengthening their desired states of being. Expansion Brainspots have infinite healing potential. They are far more potent in resourcing our
clients than the Body Resource, which is limited to a SUDS of 0 to 10. In addition, Expansion Brainspots improve positive neural networks,
accelerating the desired change and transformation, with bottom up processing.
Attendees will learn to do Double Spotting with Activated and Expansion  Brainspots. Stand-alone Expansion work allows athletes, artists, and every
kind of performer, to achieve the highest performance and creativity levels.It is also useful for clients seeking to connect or reconnect to a desired state
of being.
Techniques taught with Power Point lecture, discussion with Q & A, demonstraions and practicums. Practicums will be done online with
partners to strengthen your confidence in utilizing Brainspotting online.WHO CAN TAKE EXPANSION BRAINSPOTTING?
This training is available to anyone who has completed an in-person or online Brainspotting Phase 1 course.


  • April, 16 2021 (9:00 am - 2:30 pm)
  • April, 17 2021 (9:00 am - 2:30 pm)
  • April, 18 2021 (9:00 am - 2:30 pm)
Register Here


Lisa Larson
(916) 608-4569, x 1


Online Training
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