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CORE GIFT Master Facilitation and Brainspotting: Via Zoom-Pacific time

The CORE GIFT Discovery™process is a fun way to learn more about yourself, the things that make up WHO you are, as well as HOW and WHAT you can give to the world. This training will provide Master Facilitator certification in the Core Gift Discovery™ tool and will uniquely extend mastery to include brainspotting.

This Core Gift Discovery™ tool utilizes a unique facilitated process that results in a person developing an action statement that details their primary life purpose (Core Gift) and 3-5 other gifts that most contribute to that purpose. The result is often surprising to the person, and combined with brainspotting, can have an even more powerful impact on understanding past behavior, current difficulties, and point a clear path to future positive action in all parts of life. It can be used to guide career choices, education, discover and provide solutions to root causes of relationship issues, and analyze behaviors (positive & negative).  Come learn this fun tool and celebrate each other’s gifts together as a BSP community!

 Understanding and using our gifts is both an old and a new idea. Many ancient cultures and faith traditions used specific methods to identify and use gifts in their members. Now, modern neuroscience and positive psychology have proven that individuals thrive when they are able to find meaning in their lives by knowing and giving their gifts.” – Bruce Anderson

 Jennifer Alexander is a certified brainspotting specialty trainer, consultant, and therapist who specializes in the treatment of trauma and addictions with an emphasis on difficult to engage populations. Jennifer is a licensed marriage and family therapist and has used the Core Gift Discovery™ process for over 18 years to engage clients in every aspect of therapy.


  • August, 26 2023 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm)
  • August, 27 2023 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm)
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Jennifer Alexander


Primary Contact:
Jennifer Alexander
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